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About CLAC
The Cowichan Lake Arts and Culture Society was formed in December of 2016 with our first year of operation in 2017. Before incorporating the society we held an open community event to determine the needs and the support available. The mandate of the society as well as the name were a result of these meetings. All our future events depend on input from the community we serve (from Nitinat to Skutz Falls). Each year the board selects the events from a listing of ideas gathered throughout the year. The limit is bound by funds available and volunteers who would like to help. If you have an idea of what you would like to see in the arts locally, email
We are committed to supporting all forms of art (think of pottery, historical arts, architecture, culinary….as well as the more talked about arts of painting, printmaking, sculpture) and work to encourage an appreciation for the arts as well as giving people an opportunity to try new artistic expressions. While operating under the annual grant mandate provided by CVRD (link here), we are also working on accessing other funding to expand our events. We also work with our sister organizations in the Cowichan Valley Regional District which gives us a rich resource of ideas and expertise.
At our Open House in 2022 we asked the community to vote on a change of logo for our group. As a result the “Arts at Cowichan Lake” logo and trade name was approved by 96% of the attendees as well as all of the board. Our advertising and promotion will feature this new image while we retain our society name for all legal purposes.
If you are interested in our goals, please see our vision statement. It expresses where we would like to be in the future.
Thank you for visiting our page and we hope you will explore the website further to see what resources, events and opportunities are being created around Cowichan Lake.
​Cowichan Lake Arts & Culture Society is dedicated to the recognition, application and advancement of the many forms of art and culture found in the communities around Cowichan Lake.